This is simply a fun history website covering a wide range of topics. I do all of my own reading and research from books. And I write all of these articles and made this website myself. Its a great hobby and a nice way for me to express my interest in history, exercise my love of writing, and connect with other people.
There is a scene in the movie A River Runs Through It where a father gives his son writing assignments, then reads and critiques them himself. Twice he reads his son's assignment before telling him, "Good, now again, half as long." What I strive to do here is take an entire story and condense it down to what our culture can and has learned from it.
I imagine the internet will be around for the rest of human history. With this website backed up on multiple servers around the world and the articles stored in printed form, even a natural disaster in one location won't eliminate this site. My hope is that this site will exist well into the future. I will be continuously adding content to it for the rest of my life. My hope is that it will exist for people in the future to read about the lives and stories of those who have come before them.

I write under the pen name of Thomas Acreman. Use this name if you would like to reference an author along with any of my articles. Sources are listed at the end of every article published. If you want more information or need to list another source for your own work I would suggest investigating those. If you have more questions about a particular article please feel free to leave a comment or contact me.
Please feel free to reference any articles, maps, or other images on this website. I only ask that you provide a link or reference back to its source here. I'm not doing this for any reason beyond helping myself and others learn as much as we can about history and the perspectives of people in the past.
Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18
Write Four Articles per Year - I am always amazed at the effects of how small bits of work can add up to something great when done consistently over a long time. My goal is to learn about four new historical events every year and post what I have learned on this site. Since there is a decent amount of work in doing research and writing, I'm going to take my time. As the years go by I will have (hopefully) learned and shared a good amount of knowledge. And this site just might turn out to be a good way to connect with other history nerds out there.
"Dripping water hollows the stone."
Continue to Share Knowledge - So much has been learned by individuals in the past. I hope to bring brief stories of instances when this learning occurred. Ensuring that this knowledge is recorded and passed on to others brings me great joy. Learning other's past experiences with true empathy and in a future oriented mindset will help all of us to continue to grow and bond, and our lives to improve.
Gain Perspective on our Current Place in History - We just don't know how good we have it. We currently enjoy more freedom, wealth, information, and culture than ever before. We have a higher material standard of living than Henry the VIII, Julius Caesar, and all the Pharaohs of Egypt. Most governments throughout history were totalitarian dictatorships, today the number of democracies in the world has exploded. Soon the whole world will have internet access. The internet basically provides us with instantaneous access to the sum total of humanity's knowledge, usually in a pocket sized touch screen computer. This is no small achievement. Americans are over 50 times wealthier than we were a mere 200 years ago, adjusted for inflation. My grandfather had a brother who died when he was 6 days old, today his illness would be treated and cured with ease. The world is currently a much more stable and peaceful place than ever before.
When I do research for these articles I try to place an emphasis on what an individual's daily life was like so as to show what it was really like to achieve what they did. Their lives were usually filled with great adversity. But the passion for what they believed in just kept pushing them forward.
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